Official Partners

Ainsley Harriot Modifications

High Quality Vehicle Models
Vehicle models are made in house by Othrin and Ainsley Harriot. You can expect the highest quality vehicle models in SCRP without sacrificing optimization.

Real Life Departments
In SCRP we take pride in the soul of South Carolina. We offer South Carolina Highway Patrol, South Carolina State Transport Police, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Dillon County Sheriff's Office, Dillon Police Department, Florence County Sheriff's Office, Florence Police Department and Latta Police Department.

Latest Equipment
Our developers have the latest in equipment. We roll these out as we see them in real life. With this, we also offer retro vehicles for nostalgia!

Friendly Environment
Are you tired of an overmilitaristic community that tries to control every aspect of your life? This is not the essence of SCRP. Here we are casual and try to have a realistic experience without the power trips and admin overreach like other communties.

Southern Charm

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